
Voters Check Out The Polls, Then Books

Like everything else in life, Tom Killian says voting on election day is about balance.

Killian and his wife walked out of Fayetteville Free Library with a stack of books, DVDs and two freshly pressed, matching “I Voted” stickers. The couple votes in nearly every election, and were eager to get to the polls following the “media hype” around this election day, as well as to balance out the votes of their children.

“Obviously [I voted] to make a difference, you know, if everyone just sits at home, nothing is gonna happen so I came to do my part,” Killian said. “Our two oldest kids are opposite party from what we are, so we’re counteracting theirs [votes].”

Other voter Sue Palmer, 75, is focused on bringing the election beyond the two main parties.

“Actually, one of the reasons I voted today was I like to see third parties on the ballot and I wanted to vote green so that people would know that people are interested in something other than Democrat and Republican,” Palmer said.

Though she votes in every election, Palmer said this election day is of particular importance.

“Because it’s an initiative about Trump, whether he’s on the ballot or not,” Palmer said.
