Kennedy Houston travels to multiple polling sites to capture democracy in action.Kennedy Houston

2022 Election

Poll Site Workers in Syracuse Express why Voting is Important


Kennedy Houston: Some polling workers throughout Syracuse have expressed what voting means to them. Polling site manager tom burgess says voting should be respected.

Tom Burgess: Well voting is a privilege. I happen to believe it’s a duty, but I know not everyone agrees. Uh but it is certainly a privilege that many people don’t have in other parts of the world.

Houston: While voting is a right it also gives voters a say. Poll worker Carolyn Paddock says elections give voters a voice.

Carolyn Paddock: Means it’s the only way I get to well to actually write down what I think to give uh gives me a say.

Houston: Burgess says working at the polls is a position of trust.

Burgess: I’ve been at this same site for over a decade. And uh I get to know the voters; they get to know me uh they look for me uh and uh familiar faces and I’m able to answer a lot of their questions and uh that’s what motivates me. I’m a people person I like to serve people.

Houston: Some voters were equally excited about the election as poll workers. Voter Samantha Connors says voting affects us all.

Samantha Connors: I feel like our rights as females, as minorities, were are in jeopardy, and we have to come out united and stand up for our rights.

Houston: It is apparent that voting still matters. At multiple polling locations, polling workers are reporting that hundreds of people have arrived to cast their vote. Specifically, at the Elmcrest Children’s Center roughly four-hundred people have come today. In Syracuse, Kennedy Houston, Democracy in Action.

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (DIA)– Voters were excited to head to the polls for the mid-term elections. However, poll workers also expressed excitement for the day too. Tom Burgess, a polling site manager at Armond Magnarelli Community Center, said he’s motivated to help people on election days.

“I’m a people person,” Burgess said. “I like to serve people.”

Burgess has been working at the community center as a poll site manager for over 10 years. He said elections are meant to reassure people that their vote matters. He feels confident that this election could restore some faith.

“The goal should be to ensure people that their vote counts,” Burgess said. “That there aren’t shenanigans and tomfoolery that would deprive someone access to the ballot.”

When speaking on the turn out for the day, Burgess expressed excitement.

“After president I think governor is the second most important, certainly for people of the state,” Burgess said. “I think it’s proving to be important to the people because of the turnout.”

Burgess wasn’t the only poll worker to express excitement for the day. Carolyn Paddock, a poll worker at Pebble Hill Presbyterian said the best way to express their views is involvement at the polls.

“I just felt that if I wanted my thoughts made known,” Paddock said, “I should get involved.”

Paddock has been an avid voter for 58 years. She said it is the best way to get things resolved.
