Southern Suburbs

Tully Keeps Voting Simple

jaredjohnstontv · Election Day in Tully is Simple | November 2, 2021


TULLY, N.Y. (DiA) – In the city of Syracuse, voting in the mayoral election may be more of a calculated effort. 20 minutes south of the city center in Tully, it’s a lot simpler.

A government building in Tully used for the election.

Tully Municipal Building, the site of voting for Tully residents.

Many residents offered similar responses as to why they vote, not necessarily on policy, but more so as an obligation and a privilege. Thomas Hackett, senior retiree and Tully resident, says playing his part in public service has become routine.

“I vote every year, it’s my civic right,” Hackett said. “It’s not just my duty, I’m looking for the right candidate for the job. They’ve got to take care of us, me and you.”

A sign directs voters towards a building with a red arrow.

A sign at the Tully Municipal Building encourages voters.

Syracuse’s population is 150 times the size of Tully, a township with less 1,000 people in its area. For Dave Kortright, union worker and Tully resident, building a future for 951 Tully citizens is just as important as focusing on 142,000 in Syracuse.

“Doing my due diligence as an American citizen,” Kortright said. “Just everybody’s way of life, better.”

A Tully sample ballot printed and displayed for in a public common area.

A sample ballot that residents like Hackett and Kortright filled out to record their vote.

Polls close at 9 p.m. for the Syracuse mayoral race, and here in Tully plenty are still filing in to vote for the greater good.

It’s been communicated by many that controversial issues aren’t a problem in the town, residents just want to contribute to electing a representative who serves their constituents.
